Jumat, 07 Juni 2013


To Be (is, am, are, was, were) berarti "ada" atau "adalah" tetapi dalam bahasa Indonesia pada umumnya tidak di terjemahkan (meaningless).
To Be digunakan sebagai penghubung antara subjek dan predikat, dimana predikatnya biasanya dalam bentuk :

  1. Kata sifat (Adjective)
  2. Kata benda (Noun)
  3. Kata keterangan / tambahan (Adverb)
  4. Kata kerja yang menyatakan sedang melakukan sesuatu (Verb-ing)
Examples :
  1. I am happy. (Adjective)
  2. She is a singer. (Noun)
  3. We are in the class. (Adverb)
  4. I am reading a book. (Verb-ing)
Jenis To Be ditentukan dari tensesnya seperti yang disebutkan diatas bahwa "to be" menghubungkan subjek dan predikat, To Be dapat berubah-ubah sesuai dengan subjek (pelaku).
  1. Present

  2. Is      : She/He/It
    Am   : I
    Are   : You/They/We

    Pattern :
    (+) Subject + to be + adjective/noun/adverb/verb-ing

    Examples :
    1. They are dilligent. (Adjective)
    2. She is a journalist. (Noun)
    3. He is in the zoo. (Adverb)
    4. They are sleeping now. (Verb-ing)

    (-) Subject + to be + not + adjective/noun/adverb/verb-ing

    Examples :
    1. I am not a doctor.
    2. She is not stupid.
    3. They are not at home.
    4. He is not Sleeping

    (?) To be + Subject + adjective/noun/adverb/verb-ing

    Examples :
    1. Are you a student ? Yes, i am
    2.                                No, i am not
    3. Is he watching TV ? Yes, he is
    4.                                 No, he is not

  3. Past

  4. Was    : I/She/He/It
    Were   : You/They/We

    Pattern :
    (+) Subject + to be + adjective/noun/adverb/verb-ing

    Examples :
    1. We were at the beach 2 days ago.
    2. She was busy yesterday.
    3. It was cold this morning.

    (-) Subject + to be + not + adjective/noun/adverb/verb-ing

    Examples :
    1. They were not at home last night.
    2. I was not absent yesterday.
    3. She was not ill yesterday.

    (?) To be + Subject + adjective/noun/adverb/verb-ing

    Examples :
    1. Were you at home last night ? Yes, i was
    2.                                               No, i wasn't
    3. Was it cold this morning ? Yes, it was
    4.                                         No, it wasn't
  5. Future
  6. Be

    Pattern :
    (+) Subject + will + be + adjective/noun/adverb/verb-ing

    Examples :
    1. I will be busy tonight.
    2. They will be here tomorrow.
    3. It will be raining season.
    4. He will be a doctor next year.

    (-) Subject + will + not + be + adjective/noun/adverb/verb-ing

    Examples :
    1. She will not be late.
    2. I will not be in class at noon.
    3. The servant will not be cleaning the floor at this time tomorrow.
    4. He will not be a manager next month because he is fired now.

    (?) Will + Subject + be + adjective/noun/adverb/verb-ing

    Examples :
    1. Will you be busy tonight ? Yes, i will
    2.                                         No, i won't
    3. Will  they be absent next saturday ? Yes, they will
    4.                                                       No, they won't
  7. Perfect
  8. Been
    Has : She/He/It
    Have : You/They/We/I

    Pattern :
    (+) Subject + has/have + been + adjective/noun/adverb/verb-ing

    Examples :
    1. I have been ill for three days.
    2. She has been busy recently.
    3. They have been absent from class for a week.
    4. It has been raining all day long
Catatan hari ini :
is not = isn'tare not = aren't
was not = wasn'twere not = weren't
will not = won't

Put the right "To Be" in the blank. (letakkan to be yang benar di kolom kosong)
1. Cats. . . . . animals.
2. The Chair. . . . . behind the table.
3. I. . . . . here yesterday.
4. She has. . . . . here since this morning.
5. She will not. . . . . late.
6. It. . . . cold last summer.
7. There. . . . . a map on the wall of the classroom.
8. Linda. . . . . absent yesterday.
9. The lesson. . . . . an English lesson.
10. They have. . . . . busy recently.

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